
Showing posts from September, 2018
What Led Me Here I have always loved to travel- always . It began when I was young with short trips to the beach, family cruises, and springtime in Disney World. I LOVED it. As I grew up, my family and I began traveling more often and further away. I have explored huge cities and little towns, walked across New York City's crosswalks, biked around D.C.'s National Mall, and even received a missile threat in Hawaii ! I've seen so many beautiful places and met so many wonderful people and I am forever grateful for these experiences. But it wasn't until the about 2 years ago that I realized that I didn't like to just "go on vacation," I liked to travel, and it was apart of me. You could say I had gotten bitten by the travel bug- any free time I had I would research new places to go, memorize country flags (I know them all by now), and learn phrases in multiple languages. In class I would look out the windows imagining shopping in Marrakech&